One of the hardest parts of being disabled is that it often becomes even more difficult to pay your regular insurance premiums. But a disability waiver of premium rider can provide protection and peace of mind. 

This rider states that if you become disabled and are unable to work, your life insurance premiums will be waived. This ensures that your policy stays active even if you are unable to pay the premiums yourself.

For example, when Tyler became fully disabled from a spinal cord injury at age 52, he was incredibly stressed about being able to pay the premiums for his family’s life insurance policies. But thankfully his disability waiver riders kicked in. His insurer waived the nearly $700/month in premiums, keeping their coverage intact.

A disability waiver of premium is an affordable rider that often costs little compared to the benefit. If disability strikes, the last thing you want to worry about is your family’s life insurance lapsing. Consider adding this rider for peace of mind.

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