Being a stay at home parent is a full time job. And it’s one that provides tremendous economic value to families. According to, the market value of all the services stay at home parents provide like childcare, cooking, cleaning, teaching, and more equates to salaries over $160,000 annually. 

Given the significant financial contributions of stay at home parents, life insurance coverage is just as critical as for any breadwinner. If something happened to you, how would your family cover the cost of replacing your services? Daycare for multiple kids alone can easily exceed your spouse’s salary. Add in hiring a cook, driver, cleaner and more. The costs really add up.

That’s why life insurance is vital to protect your family’s finances and lifestyle. For example, Sandra is a stay at home mom to two kids while her husband Mark earns $80K annually as an engineer. With a $350K term life insurance policy, if anything happened to Sandra, Mark would have funds to cover housekeeping, childcare and any other expenses.

Life insurance helps ensure your family is financially protected if you passed away unexpectedly. As a stay at home parent, you contribute so much. Make sure your family is covered.

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